• How to Avoid A Tax Audit In 12 Simple steps? 

    what is the weight of income text prevention, it is very easy to submit income tax online, it is very easy to submit income tax department is also telling on its site how to pay tax online? When our income or salary starts coming in tax slave, then we have to pay tax from our salary in the tax department. There are many. advantages of paying tax online.

    .To submit it online we have to log in to the official portal first, then we have to click on E- payment pay Taxes Online E- pay in the service section.
    .on the second page, now we have to choose our corresponding option from ITNS 280, ITNS 281, ITNS 282, ITNS 283, ITNS 284, and from 26 QB demand payments we will select our corresponding option from the demand payment.
    .Now we have to enter PAN/TAN and other necessary details here; now we have to enter the address and bank details of the payment taxpayer.
    . when we enter all our details, a confirmation screen will open; if pan or tan is valid, then the full name of the taxpayer appears on the confirmation screen.

    . when the data is confirmed by us, then we will be redirected to the net banking site of the bank.
    . Now the taxpayer has to log in to the net banking site from the user id and password and enter the payment details and make the payment.
    .After the payment is successful a trend is shown on the screen, in which the payment has been made, and the name in which the payment has been made; it is the proof of payment.


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  • Benefits of making online tax payments?

    We can pay your taxes from your account at any time, from any place.

    Faces are transferred from your account instantly

    Whatever income you write on the account goes directly to the income tax department.
    you can take a printout of your recipe as soon as the tax department accepts the amount, we get a receipt E- payment transaction is shown in our bank statement; if we have received the amount of tax done by the department, then we can check it online, for this, we have to go to a website https://tin.tin.nsdl.com/oltas/index.html go to and click on box-based view

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  • How do income tax department schemes work?

    all the facilities available from the IT department are done online and offline. The management system is taught remotely. The monitoring of all the celebrities received is removed from the income tax officer supervisor, who does the work to solve the problems.it department by was started to solve the problems of tax police brought by prime minister Narendra Modi has reduced the timing of all such departments from 2 months to 1 month. Which would have a public interface like department can tell the category of the teachers and ask for the salutation

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  • conclusion

    tax audit those people running a business or doing jobs after those audits, they have to file income tax returns according to the earnings of the whole year audit by a qualified chartered accountant, the tax that is deposited id audit tax, advance tax is to be deposited in September, December and March, it is audited before 15 march